Choosing to write my own software was just another thing I didn't have to do, but would like to do. I could have just as easily kept the journal on the PDA and copy/paste to a website when I found a connection. But, because I can, I decided to make my own website and software.

The journal manager would keep track of all the journal entries and pictures associated with them. Then, when I find an internet connection, the software will check the website to see what the most recent entry was. It will then upload whatever pictures or entries are missing.

A few reasons I like this idea. First of all, wherever I happen to find a connection, I need not have the PDA actually out. I can press a quick access button and everything will happen automatically and play a little tone when it's done. This way it is not so obvious to others that I am a wayfaring traveler with a seemingly expensive gadget. Also, it allows me to control content. I plan on telling everyone I meet to check out the website, learn about me and my journey. Call me paranoid, but I'd rather not have everyone able to see exactly where I am. I would however like people I trust to know exactly where I am. To this end, the website can be designed to delay the entries for two weeks. Everything publicly available will be delayed, but members can sign in and see everything.

Your ideas seem to be excellent. I had stopped considering smartphones when I learned of the GPS situation. I never considered the possibility of installing GPS software on the phone, rather than relying on the included software. Even now, my PDA has the option for GPS capability. I could have included coordinates in the journal manager, and made a companion Google Earth widget for the website. Perhaps another trip, for now I have already bought everything.
Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors.