Not there yet, but putting together gear lists in my head constantly. I am going to try and be in Cooke City Montana (NE Yellowstone entrance) by April 1st and will be trekking solo and fishing most of the spring/summer, hence the bear spray concerns--i want to be utterly prepared, of course.

Is anyone planning on hiking the Northern Absorakas and/or Yellowstone from May-Sept and need a hiking partner?

I think I'll skip the pepper spray.

I've hiked out there, but always with a partner. Have run into some sketchy black bears while alone in the east though. This one girl I knew in a western mountain town carried bear spray with her EVERYWHERE, even under the seat of her car. Struck me funny. would be more effective against gangs in San Diego or riot control in Paris.

I agree about the false sense of security it provides. If a bear wants something, itll probably take it. Also- how much do bears rely on their sight to begin with? A blind bear could probably rely on its other keen senses to find the hiker who ticked him off.. i dunno.