Well, I really couldn't afford to do much this year, but Santa was real nice to me. Also, finances have eased up a bit (finished most of the carpentry on my house) so this winter I'm putting into action some decisions that I made this pst year to lighten my load.

added a Montbell UL down jacket (extend my hiking season)
replaced clunky headlamp with Petzl e-lite (thanks Santa)
will replace self-inflating pad (18 oz) with TaR Ridge Rest short (9 oz)
will replace JetBoil with PocketRocket

I plan on adding some tieouts to my sleeping tarp and making a cooking tarp

I tried trekking poles (cheap Wally World ones) and found them much better than my hiking staff. I loved the staff, but the poles are much more adaptable and better for my knees.

BUT, the coolest thing? Freezer bag cooking!
All hail Sarbar! All hail Sarbar! thanks

Realistically though, I really just need to keep weeding out the crap I don't need or use. Now, if Phat would just keep up to date on e-reader research and share with the rest of us, I could trade in the paperbacks for a nifty gadget . . .
Why am I online instead of hiking?