As to legislation, it's an old but logical argument. Those who are willing to murder, rape and rob are generally willing to violate gun laws. Those who are willing to go through the process of getting a concealed carry permit are unlikely to be the ones who will use them illegally. Why bother? Here in Colorado we heard the same argument about reviving the "Old West" and gun battles in the streets, road rage shootings, etc. when the shall issue concealed carry permit law was in debate. We have not seen those results. Many of those who voiced their concerns were ignorant of existing laws. When so many were concerned about increased road rage violence, they were blissfully unaware that it was already legal to carry a loaded handgun in your car in Colorado.

Yellowstone has developed a pretty large jail and has a very high per capita crime rate. Lots of drug use, theft, etc. As was mentioned, many of our border parks have issues with drug trafficking. There are reasons to carry if you so choose and you can debate the merit of them until the cows come home, but if you choose not to, don't be afraid of those who legally do so. They aren't out to "get you" or anyone else. Big difference between offense and defense.