it is a sad statement about our world when guns are being considered as protection from 2 legged as apposed to 4 legged creatures

Why? I personally would only ever bother carrying for very dangerous situations. If I'm not likely to face *another* gun, then frankly, I'm better off with bear spray, even with bears - it's lighter, and will stop stuff. to be honest in 10 years of carrying it, I've only had it out of the holster once, and that was a two legged encounter. Now, heaven forbid that prior to that a handgun ever made trips into willmore with me, that would be illegal in canada. if it did it would be spending it's time weighting my backpack down, and not be that effective against a bear without a good head shot. legal or not, I'd still carry what I carry now
most places.

So frankly, untill the right to keep and arm bears gives me the possibility of facing grizzlys packing glocks, I'll stick to bear spray for the four legged critters - (unless I'm looking to eat 'em). OTOH if I'm somewhere
there's enough illegal activity I'm potentially faced with a gun - yep, I'd take one. My other exception on this continent is polar bears, but then I'll be packing a rifle. thanks.
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