I'm a side sleeper who tosses and turns throughout the night. I go to sleep with one knee drawn up waist high. Is a quilt going to suit me? Currently using a WM Megalite since it is cut wider. I like to be warm when sleeping and I'm not sure of the correct adjective (warm or cold) to use to describe that.

I'm interested in wearable sleeping bags like the Jacks R Better quilts with a head hole, or the Feathered Friends bags with an open footbox (closed with a drawstring). In the high desert of Arizona, it is 25 degrees at night and 60 degrees in the daytime. See the need for insulation only in camp but not near as much on the trail. These days, I have the time for some longer distance hikes, so I'm working towards UL gear from somewhat LW gear.

Any and all comments are welcome.