My meals are all simple, but I really concentrate on variety because I go out so much that I can get bored with the same stuff. I also carefully check calories becasue I want to have just the right amount. I pre-mix at home so I just have to deal with one bag per meal. I really cannot afford the packaged fd meals. I like to cook, so my requirement of simplicity has more to do with minimal cook gear: small solo pot, spoon and cup ony.

If I am out for 10 days I want 3-4 different kinds of cereal - oatmeal, Malt-o-meal, Wheateena, Barley- and different kinds of fd fruit- strawberries, pinapple, mango, dates. Also, with trail food - 10 different kinds of trail bars, various trail mixes, various kinds of jerkey. For dinner I take at least 2-3 boiling water only meals in case it is raining or I am just too tired to really cook. But I also take some cook-meals - not complicated but they do require about 5 minutes of cooking and stirring. I also like real food - not fake flavorings - real cheese, olive oil, real garlic, real butter. A 3-oz packet of pepperoini goes a long ways to add zest to a meal. And I need a sweet treat every night to reward myself! My favorite this year is the hard coffe candy - tastey and light weight. My latest "discovery" is an after-hike cold drink- I mix one packet of Emergen-C and vanilla sport protein powder for an interesting fizzy energy drink. I was on a dark chocolate kick last year but am now tired of that.

I really do not crave a big meal when I come out. I usually just munch on trail food while driving home. One cold beer seems to satisfy my "civilized food" cravings when I arrive home.