“I will check out REI.”

Just be sure they don’t push their racks and racks of 6 lb 11oz backpacks on you.
If you can take weight out of everything you buy/acquire, it really adds up.

In fact, REI packs usually turn me off because of their weight. The only one I might consider is their Vapor Trail (37oz) http://www.rei.com/product/699831
However, there are plenty of packs lighter (<32oz), low cost (<$200), just as big, and just as comfortable (if weight is kept down).

Gossamer Gear, http://www.gossamergear.com/cgi-bin/gossamergear/pack_matrix.html
ULA, http://www.ula-equipment.com/conduit.htm
Z-Packs, http://www.zpacks.com/
SMD, http://www.sixmoondesigns.com/shop/shopexd.asp?id=34
MLD. http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/sho...3db472d11fef06d
