I would start by going to the home page of this web site and checking out the gear lists that are posted on the left side of the page. There are a lot of good ideas there for a light pack.

Your size should only make a minor difference in the weight of the gear you carry. You will need a longer than average (ie, slightly heavier) sleeping bag, a large-frame-size pack, your clothes will likely weigh a few ounces more and you may want to have a larger (longer) and thus heavier tent-should you choose a tent.

You will hear repeatedly that the last thing to purchase is your pack because you want to size it to what will go in it. Personally, I like a pack a little on the large size because I don't like a tightly stuffed pack. At any rate, you will get a lot more guidance from others than I'm giving; pay attention because there is a lot of experience amongst the participants here.
May I walk in beauty.