Hello again.

I have the backpacking bug. I went for a trail hike about a month ago and had vivid flashbacks from great times in my youth trudging down the trails with my pack and camping with a few friends and the great outdoors. So I am getting back into it. I have to accumulate new gear because all that I used (over 10 years ago) is gone or .. well its just gone. I am interested in the concept of backpacking light.

About myself. I'm 28 years old, live in Southern California. I am a teacher and Football coach. I'm rather large framed. 6'4" 315 lbs, but I'm in good shape (I run, swim and lift weights regularly) so carrying the weight isn't an issue I think. I see people talking about 10-20 lb loaded packs. but is that relative? does my size factor in to the "backpacking light" mentality?

I plan on starting small with some long day hikes. Working my way up to actually staying overnight and then over weekends. I have a fundamental question i suppose.I understand everyone has preferences for brands and styles.

I guess I don't really know what type of pack I should look for. Given that I'm a relative beginner in recent backpacking experiences, and wont be doing any extended trips (nothing longer than a 4 day weekend for a long time) would a smaller pack suffice? should I be looking at a larger day pack or a smaller full sized pack?

Money isn't necessarily an issue. I will eventually try for one weekend excursion a month. But again, I wont be there for a while.

Should I start with a cheap pack and then upgrade later?

Any advice would be great, I am still in the planning stages and have little experience or opinions of my own of new styles of gear and equipment.
Inches make champions. —Vince Lombardi

Nothing gold can stay. —Robert Frost