I've been looking at both the Kindle and the Sony Ebook. At just 10 ounces or so these units weight less than a single paperback -- and on multiple-day trips I usually carry at least two and sometimes three books. A two gig SD card in a Kindle will hold around 1500 books! I could carry my entire library with me. New releases are relatively inexpensive (around $10), older still-copywrited books are even cheaper (as low as 99 cents), and the classics (Conrad, Verne, Twain) can be had for free.

Does anyone here have one of these toys? Do they charge via USB or is it a proprietary charging unit? Can you purchase additional battery packs? Amazon claims that with the wireless function turned off the Kindle will work for seven days on a charge.

One complaint I've noticed on the Kindle forums is that there is no software provision for filing your books in folders. I'll be interested in what changes they make to the unit for this next release. In any case, I'm definitely putting one of these on my Christmas wish list!
My blog on politics, the environment and the outdoors: Haiwee.blogspot.com