Well I have just started backpack camping and have a question. I have type 1 diabetes and have had it for 12 years with no problems ie never needed assistance from others when I had low sugar in all of that time. That said occasionally when I do something active such as camping I will get low sugar in the middle of the night and need to eat/drink something to bring it back up. So I am asking for advice on what you folks would do if camping in backcountry, having something to bring my sugar back up if needed, yet still keeping bears away from my tent. Obviously I would be hanging my pack with normal food from a tree about 100 yards away as recommended but would need "something small" nearby me at least. I don't like the idea of having to wander around the woods looking for my pack when sugar is low.

I thought about just keeping an unopened plastic 12oz coke in the tent with me. That would work just fine if my sugar got low. I was wondering if this would present a problem with Bears smelling the coke if it were unopened? My other thought or option was the little sealed up in tinfoil pack carbohydrate tablets that you can take with you for diabetes but when you open them some do have an odor since they are flavored so I think I might be more scared of having those on my person in a tent. Obviously I would NOT want to have a candy bar or chips on me in the tent LOL so trying to find some suitable alternative and any thoughts would be appreciated. I will be camping in the Cherokee National Forest or GSMNP mostly.

Edited by BlountCountyBackpacker (08/06/08 07:30 PM)