I was curious if any of you practice stealth camping on public lands posted as no camping?

I regularly hike a certain mountain (controlled by my local city) that is posted as no camping -- as are all the other trails controlled by the city around here. There is an ordinance against being on the trails before sunrise or after sunset.

I really have a desire to cowboy camp at the top of one of the mountains. It's a long grind to the top and one cannot be seen from below. There is an old concrete slab that I could easily set a pad and bag on. No fire, no stove, etc. Leave no trace.

Unfortunately the fine for being caught is $651.00 I'm not sure if they actually fine those they catch or not? The ordinance and fine is largely aimed at college kids who loudly drink and hike on weekend nights -- far below where I want to camp.

I would really appreciate hearing other peoples' experiences at stealth hiking. Thanks.