After all of our discussions about navigation and map reading, etc, I thought you guys might find this excerpt from a post from our blog kind of amusing...

...this last weekend we took a hike up into the domes of Yosemite. We had a great time, and spent most of that time off trail. Only when we returned did we figure out, with the help of some people who are smarter than we are, that we didn't hike to Mariuolumne Dome at all, but the southern face of Fairview Dome. Somehow, in the depths of the forest and with limited visibility, we turned off the trail too soon. Ooops.

Now by one definition, we were definitely lost. We were certainly NOT where we thought we were. At the same time, we knew exactly where we were--because we knew how to get back to our car without a second thought. We knew where we were in relationship to where we needed to go next. On a short day hike, not an issue. If it had been in the middle of a nine-day cross country expedition, it could have been quite serious. Which may have led to us being a little careless in the navigation department. Or not.


And yes, that's Mariuolumne Dome in the photo above. No, not the one in the foreground. That's Fairview Dome--the one we were on. Mariuolumne is the one in the center of the photo. The one we thought we were on. grin.

For an amusing version of this same story, see our humor section here:

Edited by balzaccom (01/21/12 08:29 PM)
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