Hello. I have never been backpacking before but I am looking to get started. I have accumulated some gear here and there from various sources.

Yesterday I bought 2 Sierra Designs Single person ultralight backpacking tents. Both were in good condition but I thought I might as well wash them. So I took them in the shower with me and then put them in a bucket with a little Tide. Then today, I noticed a layer of the tent flaking off. I think it happened when I wrung the tent to rid it of water.

I have no idea what it was meant for, but my guess is that it is some sort of wax to make it more waterproof. Look at photos below.
-What is it for? Is the tent still good without it?
-Do I really need it (I don't specifically plan on camping in the rain, if that is what it is for)
-Should I peel it off or keep whatever is left?
-Is there a way to reapply this layer?

I really appreciate any help I can get. Thank You