After far too long I finally managed to break away for an overnight trip. It came up quickly so I threw a bunch of stuff in my pack and got outta Dodge to beat the morning traffic. At the trailhead I picked what I really needed for the next 24 hours and stuffed it into my day pack. It only weighted a few pounds and I realized that I'd gladly trade ounces for cubic inches to make the pack even smaller or have the option of extending the trip. For example, I wished I'd brought my old sil-nylon tarp because it packs smaller than my DCF model even though it weighs a little more. It's harder to quantify gear volume in a meaningful way because shape matters but I've started to think of a way to put together a tiny 3-day kit. I just wish someone would invent an inflatable sleeping bag that packed down to half the size even if it came out at twice the weight.
