What is the best stuff sack setup? How should they be used, or not used? What do you think about bag liners?

Should I simply pack my Kelty Serrano 15+ synthetic bag into the factory stuff sack (it's a bit of a hassle because it's a tight fit)? Or should I get a sack that clinches down with straps?

Or should I buy a waterproof stuff sack like these? I pack my sleeping bag horizontally at the base of my pack (my Kelty Slickrock has a separate compartment for it).
I already bought a small one (20x7in) for clothes and I like it.

Do I need to keep my tent in a waterproof sack, or will the factory sack be adequate? Should I keep my food in a waterproof sack and just use some nylon rope to hang it in trees away from bears.

In short, I'm curious to know what y'all think about stuff sacks. What's your strategy?
"The panic grabbed my leg, you know, it pulled me in."