I am looking for a wrist watch with a loud enough alarm to wake me up in the mornings. My hearing still tests fine, so that is not the issue. I do take the watch off at night and lay it on the tent floor close by; obviously I'm not going to hear anything when the watch is down in the sleeping bag! My results, so far, are the following:

Timex--can't even hear the alarm when I'm wide awake unless I put the watch right against my ear.

Casio (men's)--I can hear it when awake, but about 2/3 of the time it won't wake me up in the morning. If I put it in my cooking pot to produce an echo, it wakes me up about 50% of the time.

High Gear Axio (with altimeter and thermometer)--the alarm is even fainter than Timex's, so that feature is completely useless. This watch is a good deal at Campmor if you don't care when you get up!

I really don't want to haul the weight of a loud travel alarm unless I absolutely have to! There are some days when I need to get on the trail early, and those are invariably the days that the watch doesn't wake me up!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey