Ok so I'm still on the search for a backpack for my 10 year old. I gave up the hunt after the last trip of the season last year and I carried the brunt of the weight. He's still a lightweight at 47-50lbs and yes he eats. Me and momma are both short so he never stood much of a chance at being tall. I'm 5"2" and she's shorter then me so please don't react like I'm purposely starving my child because that's far from the truth.

I measured his torso today and he's 11" and his weight is about 22". With his weight and the 10-20% of his bodyweight rule he's only gonna be able to carry 10lbs max. I'm kinda at a crossroads as to what to do. He needs to be able to carry all of his gear as well as help with the other scouts.

Money is another issue and if I'm to get him some gear its gotta be soon since we'll be getting our taxes back any day now. I'm hoping to do my best to hook him up with the basic essential that he'll need to carry as a scout for around $150-$200 for everything. Is that doable? Thnk you for your time and have a great evening everyone. Jason