New here, quick question, don't mean to wander off topic...

It looks to me that you're right on topic Adam.

Take it easy on me Richard if I'm missing something obvious

Not a chance buddy. You chose to enter the fray now .... "Lay on [Adam] and woe be he who cries 'Hold, enough.'"

but, as per the whole filtering the water w/wo treatment using bandana/sock/nylon/whatever, how does this work with small trickling sources?

I use LuxuryLite trekking poles (the Big Stik or Trail Stix) which may be used to direct, perhaps even siphon, water. But I also have a number of other items I might use. E.g.s; plastic bag, homemade cup or Heine pot, windscreen, Groundhog stake, etc, etc, etc. "Improvise, adapt, overcome!"

I'm not generally too concerned about filtering and tend to drink from what's available but a couple of years ago on the AT somewhere in VA we spent one long hot exposed day without a decent source and stumbled upon just the tiniest trickle, it wasn't clear and it wasn't deep and I was sure glad we had a pump-style filter if for nothing else to suck up the water.

As i mentioned earlier .... one may finds exceptions for every rule.

I've often considered going without a filter but I can't imagine, at least in that situation, rare though it may be in that part of the country, what I would've done without the hose/straw whatever.

No offense Adam but perhaps you lack imagination. I repeat no offense. Close friends, etc, have said the same to me.

It took us a good long bit but we managed to fill up quite a few bottles and carry on. I just can't think of an easy work-around. Anyone tell me the right way to get around this? Maybe some kind of mouth-initiated siphon method using a tube?

What I did in similar a situation last year was to dig a small channel and divert water into an LL pole which then filled my cup and so on. I could also have dug a small hole and simply dipped a cup/bag in it but using the pole was quicker.

"Easy workaround?" Easy enough for me. YMMV.

Thanks, sorry if I did anything wrong with my posting here. Adam

Well Adam, we'll accept your apology .... this time. Fail us again and it's .... *Guillotine!* You've been warned.

