“Stoves like the Vargo line of outdoor products”

If you can get an alcy stove to work in the cold (below freezing and light with one match) then you have a nice fiddle-free stove. I personally have struggled with Vargo products. Ti is not a good metal for alcy stoves.

Lori mentioned the white box. That is a nice stove! I’m always torn between that one and one similar to Mechanic Mike on eBay. Both stoves can boil 2C h2o on ½ oz alcy at 60F in <6 minutes.

“Are they reliable? Noisy?”

No noise. Always reliable; but then again, IMHO, you have to have a good designed stove. You don’t have to carry stove repair kits. You don’t have to worry about cold. My youngest kid (11 year old daughter) has her own alcy/stove setup and she loves cooking with it.

The one thing to caution is during daylight hours, you cannot see the flame. So how do you know if it’s lit? Practice at home. You’ll get used to hearing the small ‘pop’ sound when lit.
