If you can post a picture, that would help (see how to post pictures instructions).

However, I looked at the patent application. From the drawings accompanying the patent application, the stove appears to be a variation of the Hank Roberts Mini stove. If the canister sticks out to the side, then that is what we are talking about.

Finding a fuel canister for it may be impossible. The stove uses a puncture-style canister, which I don't think is made anymore. The only puncture canister I know of is the Gaz 206, which is virtually impossible to find in the US and if your stove is what I think it is, won't fit it anyway because of the shape of the canister.

There was a company making a conversion kit a few years ago, but it seems to have gone out of business.

I think Jim Shaw has one he modified to run on something else, but you would be better off just buying a new stove.

The design is a good one, but for some reason-probably cost, manufacturers went to a vertical design where the stove sits on top of the canister.

The new canisters either screw on and off with a sealable Lindal valve or the sealable Camping Gaz style valve.

Edited by TomD (03/29/08 05:39 PM)
Don't get me started, you know how I get.