I'll second a candle or candle lantern, at least in very cold weather. It won't warm the tent
up to shirtsleeves of course, but it will cut the chill, and what I've found most importantly, if you
leave one burning you get enough warmth and air movement in bitter cold through the tent
with the candle exhausting the top that you get *far* less condensation inside at night without
having the tent open and vented *as much*.

OTOH I do lots in a larger wall tent with a bigger wood stove. That's stylin to the max, you can
be in your shirt sleeves in 30 below while it's going, and you can dry out anything soaked.

I have my Eye on a tigoat stove at the moment, but havent bitten and ordered one yet because
I still have notions of making one.
Any fool can be uncomfortable...
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