On a very high ridge with no source of water for more than 12 hours, we were forced to eat our last meal, which I had saved, even though the weight was a pain. I pulled out a large can of mixed beans, and some salted pork(ham in biscuit slices)packaged in plastic. With no more water to spare, and only about 8oz a piece for dinner, I was forced to fry the salt pork. I will never eat this again without boiling, I don't know if anyone has ever tryed this, but my grandma always boiled these to get the salt out and then fry them. It is much worse than it sounds. Needless to say the beans were pretty mushy too, but saved the day. A good idea is to fry up some cornbread like flapjacks at home and place in wax paper,lightly moisten and put in a frezzer bag. Excellent after re-frying, even after six days in your pack.