I agree: electronics add weight quickly, and for me, they feel very out of place. Like you, I still navigate with map and compass (not a lot of navigating needed where I hike; almost always on well-marked trails.) I'm not a big picture taker, and (following the advice of an old hiking partner) when it gets dark, I go to sleep.

I agree with you about a safety device on high-risk trips (I don't take such trips, here in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia; I'm not sure I could if I wanted to - the trails are well-marked and fairly well-traveled. I can count on someone finding me within 12 hours if I manage to break a leg or something.)

I keep trying to leave the cell phone at home, but there's one obstacle I just can't overcome: my wife says it makes her feel better if I take it. (Kind of like when I was little, and I had to put on a sweater because Mom was cold.)