Yes, I'm in Hong Kong, it's hot and humid in the summer months with plenty of rain.

I did manage to get a refund after some explaining and a near 20 minute wait so I don't need to get one right away but I think I will need a jacket of some kind in my bag.

Originally Posted By JustWalking
Didn't realize it was that hot in Hong Kong. At those temps, I simply wouldn't wear a rain jacket, you're just going to sweat quickly. A poncho would be a bit better.

I'd recommend forgoing any jacket, regardless of how hard it rains, and just have a good wide-brimmed hat. You're going to be soaked either way, I'd prefer rain to sweat.

The temps I gave were taken out in direct sunlight around noon, although it didn't feel so bad because it's usually quite windy and most of the time there are plenty of shaded areas in the country parks here. It's very hot right now but I don't have any other jacket and I was hoping to get some use out of it all year round. Autumn and Spring here are in the mid 20's so it's not so bad and a jacket would help in the cooler areas up in the hills. It's not something I'm planning on wearing in the summer, but it might be good to have in the bag just in case.

I think I need a jacket of some kind, my only other option would be a windbreaker and umbrella combo for sudden downpours.

Edited by vr46 (06/01/16 08:14 AM)