Then there is also the matter of "stealth hiking". I'm thinking specifically of the fact that a lot of state and regional parks have rules against being on the trails after dark, and yet I love night-time hiking, preferably by moonlight or background city light. I usually don't worry about getting in trouble, but I once rolled into my designated backcountry site at Castle Rock State Park here in Calif just after dark, coming back from a very long dayhike, to find a ranger ready to read me the riot act. Man, he was way serious! I was lucky not to be fined and kicked out to boot. If he had known that I also went off trail, I would definitely have been dead meat. I never want to cross him again. I think in his case, though, his park had had a problem with an illegal weed grow and he was highly suspicious of people sneaking around in the dark and off trail. I see his point. To me though, I just love the dark too much to give it up...except in Castle Rock!