Thanks for the advice! There are several things I don't really need that I will cut out from my pack such as the camp stool. I am new to backpacking but have been car camping since I was a baby and day hiking frequently. Recently started to do weekend backpacking trips and want to work up to a week long trip in the Adirondacks. It is fairly cold most of the year here in NY so I will probably use my winter stuff in the late fall and early spring. Lots of rock scrambles and inclines, I also go snowshoeing and mainly got the trekking poles for that since I fell over a lot last year. I usually day hike without poles, a two liter camelback with two small pockets for granola bars and a small first aid kit, very light. Once I started backpacking I decided I needed everything, then realized I couldn't walk, and am now cutting down weight and taking less each trip.

My camelback froze last time, I figured the Nalgene would hold up better... Or should I just put my camelback in my sleeping bag at night? The hose froze overnight and I have the insulating sleeve for it.

I will look at what I didn't use or eat and take out those items...