One of the worst nights was alongside a lake where you pretty much need a 4x4 to get down to most of the campsites (legal mind you). There are only two spots that can be parked at with normal cars. Naturally once we got settled into our favorite spot a pair of RV's pulled up...and proceeded to run their unmuffled generators until around 4am... I was really ready to go and do something one shouldn't do just to shut them down but with my luck...

On the other hand there was a much more remote (as in you have to drive through the river to get to the camp sites) location when I lived out in Seattle. We set up camp and not too much later two pickup loads of teenagers came up with a good bit of drink etc. It was too late to just pack up so we figured maybe they'd get plastered fast and call it a night. Strangely enough, a bit of booze to keep the chill in the air away, they invited us over to hang with them, brought out a few guitars and a light drum and it was a hell of a lot of fun. I've never figured out how you could mix pop, rock, country and such into one song but between the 10 of us we managed it. Too bad they were up from Oregon. I'd have been happy to camp with them again.

Another good one was at a public campground on Chesapeake Bay when I was a kid of around 10-12 years old. This being a regular campground with ranger, etc. The family setting up next to us had two boys my age so that gave us the bicycles and such to explore on, but what I remember the most was crabbing with the sister as a few others fished and then the buffet spread that they put on with what we caught. Turns out he was a 5-star chef out of NY city on vacation for a week. One of the best weeks of food and fun I can ever remember. At least 8 camp sites ended up pitching in by the 3rd day and between the food and his culinary skills, the kids our age, etc. It was just an absolute blast! (At least until I went to scare my sister in the middle of the night with an old piece of rope under the open-toilet bottoms... (there had been lots of snake warnings) I had no idea I picked the wrong one until a very large lady ran out sans pants screaming for the world to hear... I felt guilty..very very guilty...Kind of...)

Edited by AdventureMyk (02/22/15 11:02 PM)