My major hike last summer was 140 miles on the PCT and I made several additions and tweaks to my basic gear for that trip.

- I replaced my older 3 lbs. 5 oz. solo tent with the REI Quarterdome 1 solo tent, at 2 lbs. 8 oz. in the configuration I used. I was very pleased with the design and quality of this tent and it stood up to some heavy rains at the start of the hike.

- I replaced a 7 oz. gravity filter with a Sawyer Mini water filter. This, too, was a success for me.

- I started using Superfeet insoles after a minor bout with plantar fasciitis. They worked well.

- I replaced my rain jacket and rain pants with lighter versions. The first two days I walked in rain constantly and I was especially impressed the performance of my Montbell VersaLite rain pants.

- I should add that I brought a GoLite umbrella and used it continuously during those two days of rain, because the forecast warned me I'd need lots of rain protection. It contributed greatly to my overall comfort and dryness.

- I carried an orange aluminum REI snow stake to use as a digging tool for cat holes and as an extra tent stake when needed. It was extremely convenient and easy to use.

- I carried a 1 qt. plastic 'cottage cheese'-style tub with a lid. It was most useful at washing socks. I'd half fill it with water, add the socks, shake vigorously, dump the dirty water and repeat. It served several other uses, too. A winner!