I was intrigued by Sierra Cups also a few months ago because it seemed like my cooking system would do better with a pot with a little more width to catch the flames that climbed up the sides. I did a little Google'ing and found someone selling a set of three in varying sizes for just a few bucks so I got them.

I did boil tests on them all in series and was initially confused by the results. I thought the larger/wider ones would boil faster. It took me a week until the reason hit me: I wasn't using a lid. They didn't come with lids, so it didn't even occur to me. The larger the opening, the faster the heat was escaping. Duh! The next boil tests were more like my hypothesis.

After that, I grabbed a really large Ti one --with a lid! and a folding handle. My boil test on the Ti cup was very encouraging and I am hoping the versatility will outweigh the awkwardness of trying to drink coffee out of a bowl.

The three steel cups will be used for car-camping.