(Hmm... the thread and posting format is a bit different from others I`m used to- gonna take some time to figure out)

Thanks for the responses, guys.

Gershon, not nice thoughts, but definitely something we should put more consideration into. I never thought about escape routes before in the context of outdoors adventures.

Rick_D: accumulation of a pile of partials- Damn. Hadn`t thought of that either, and I`m sure it`s one I`ll run into. If it gets bad enough, maybe I can donate to a frequent car camper who uses canisters and doesn`t mind dragging a whole box full of `em out to kill off over the span of a single trip.

Does your CC mean Carson City, Duane? I tried a search on "Reno" just to see if any neighbors popped up via discusion, but the search results didn`t help much since they seem to spot any combination of those four letters (even out of order), and mostly false leads.

After posting, I happened into the apparently famous "Hiking Jim" blog post on Kovea Spider- sexy! But aside from the BARELY resistable Neat-O factor, I don`t think it`s my best bet. Solo, mostly warm weather, and boil only all seem to point to screw tops for me. Besides that, I happen to have some Cabelas store credit, and screw top stoves are among the few items they carry that I really have use for- they even have the Micro Rocket. Maybe later I`ll find and excuse to order that beautiful Spider!

Thanks again for all the words of wisdom, folks.