Top-mount stoves are dead-simple and for the most part, tiny and lightweight. Have a couple and they've never required maintenance of any kind. Hard to argue for anything more complicated for simple water boiling.

Downsides are less stability, especially with larger (taller) cartridges (they rock unless the surface is dead flat, or you have a cartridge stand), poor cold-weather performance and the challenges of rigging a decent windscreen.

Second the Microrocket suggestion--bone simple, sturdy and a very handy remote sparker. Resolves all the Pocket Rocket shortcomings.

Remote burners sit lower and are far more stable. Invertible cartridge setups mean excellent cold performance and none of the pesky burning off the propane first. It's also easier to find one with a wider flame, which I prefer to a narrow "blowtorch." This is more critical with cooking than for boiling water.

One thing I've never resolved about canister stoves is the accumulation of all those partial cans of fuel. There are always at least half a dozen rattling around.
