I don't use a ground cloth with my tent. I haven't used one in many years, noticed no wear on the tent floor nor any moisture coming through. Even when I had an old SMD Lunar Solo with the lighter weight silnylon floor option, I had no issues.

I do check over my tent site to remove sticks and stones before setting up the tent. I'm also careful to avoid setting up my tent in areas which might flood in heavy rains, even if it means sleeping on a slope. The one time I did end up with a flooded tent site (30 years ago), I was using a ground cloth and it was no help at all.

The floor is generally the toughest part of the tent and the easiest to replace, although I've never had occasion to do so.

IMHO, a ground cloth or a footprint is completely unnecessary and just adds extra weight.

Edited by OregonMouse (10/11/13 02:00 PM)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey