Err, tough call, that. I'd presume a llama wrangler has more than passing familiarity with backcountry travel, but his questions implied unfamiliarity with the area at least. And mistakes at 10+k feet can bite you in a hurry, much less the young ones.

You gave important information, hard to say how they capitalized on it. And, so long as there's water it's relatively easy to make an ad hoc camp--I've certainly done so many times.

In July I was hiking out of Desolation and in late afternoon ran into a solo guy headed up the hill, wondering where a lake was. We had a clear view of the basin that held the lake and I pointed it out, estimating he might just make it there by nightfall. Given he was equipped with a hand-carried water bottle, a shirt tied around his waist and the clothes he was actually wearing, I strongly suggested he take a nice evening stroll but not try the several-mile walk and thousand-foot climb to the lake.

I'll save the folks carrying suitcases on the PCT for another day.

You did as well as you could, I think.
