By the way, which is the nutting stone, on the left or on the right! Kidding I'm just kidding!
Originally Posted By billstephenson
I don't carry my spark maker anymore, though I did for a long time in addition to the bics.

But I do still practice with it now and then. I still haven't tried the bow drill method, but I still intend to wink

I mentioned before that I found an artifact here in the Ozarks that is probably called a "Nutting Stone". From what I've found out there's not a lot known about how they were used, but they are common artifacts (I've never seen another like this one though). Two cited uses are for starting a fire using bow drill and for cracking nuts.

I think this one was for starting fires, and I think I know how it was used. I'm very tempted to try it out:

More pictures of the nutting stone here.