"It isn't just Skurka who tries to set up an uncrossable dividing line between "hikers" and "campers.""

I guess it's human nature for use to slot other people into categories. I'm certainly guilty of this, to include the "hiker vs. camper" alternates, and of course it's not just all of one or the other but a grey scale. For someone who tends to be a lot more of one than the other, and whose friends and acquaintances are all the same, I guess it can be pretty easy to lump "everyone else" into one mental bucket.

Ideally we all just shift and adjust styles to suit the particular trip and what works best for those accompanying us.

I hope that the real point in drawing a sharp distinction between "hikers" and "campers" is illustrative, to help people think through the dynamics and make a conscious decision.
Brian Lewis