Our daughter loves camping and hiking! We have gone out with it getting as cold as 34* at night.

Snow she has only seen once when in (near) Kansas City during Christmas when she was 2.

Hunting in OK was in a camper growing up. So I've never primitively camped in anything extreme and snowy, but I've been the only one camping in the primitive areas in our state parks in January down here where the lows were in the 20's. Great times having the entire park to myself and the ranger who checked on me twice a day!

I've lived just outside of Colorado Springs when I was a little kid, but that part of my family isn't much for anything real outdoorsy, especially not camping. Everything needed to be comfy and warm.

For my birthday (Nov) one year I got a 3 day blizzard. No party 'til everyone could shovel out. I thought it was great!

"They need to learn skills - such as how to stay dry. You as parents also need to learn these lessons."
This is certainly true. Staying warm is one thing...

I didn't mention that we had thought that if we were to go to the CD we'd stop by Kansas City and drop her off at the grandparents just because it's so much more dangerous that the AT, especially while she's small.

Also we wouldn't do a month long hike during winter. That was just something I recently thought of having read on a hunting forum of guys backpacking in on hunts in the mountains.

She's amazing for her young age at how much she can do. She has a little backpack that she carries her clothes and a stuffed animal in, and will go nearly 2 miles, though the terrain isn't that tough here, before she gets grumbly. She's a little too slow and has to check out everything, but that's cool. One of our big concerns is that she doesn't fear much of anything.

I've lived far too long down here in TX.

Edited by rodwha (10/07/12 08:44 PM)

"Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day