Originally Posted By: ETSU Pride
Because, Lori, we are in top-notch shape!!!!!!! laugh

One of my co-workers is a habitual runner. She is having to ask for leave donations for blowing out a knee on a routine run - MRIs, Surgeries, etc.

Doesn't sound like top notch to me.

Talk about pouring a cold bucket of reality on the enthusiasm of youth!

I think a lot of people don't know when to back off on training. After all, they are not doing it for money and are not getting the support a professional would (the whole crew of people who help them prepare for races). So they end up over training by running too much and not spreading their workouts over a number of disciplines like weight training and core training. Anyway, I hike and jog alternately on trail, mainly to keep my heart rate up. As an example, at the top of a steep climp I do not stop to rest and keep going for my cool down. When my heart rate drops low enough (each person is different) I jog to raise it. But no concrete or asphalt for me. I was done with that a long time ago.