I love camp stoves, and have a collection of the things but have never liked cooking when backpacking....to me, it complicates things and adds a large amount of weight to the pack. Melting snow, notwithstanding, call me lazy. grin IF I cook at all, it would be on Esbit or "cook fires".
Like Oldranger, I'll haul stuff that doesn't need heat. A hot meal is nice once in a while, though, on longer colder hikes.

Texas lost a large amount of it's park land to fire last year, like the rest of the country. Camper fires are simply not wise now, and our forestry workers don't need the extra worries.

Maybe it's time to develop flame-less technology, using heat packs or catalyst heaters. The problem I have with heat packs is the trash. I'm not a chemist but I wonder if there is a binary chemical that can be mixed in the field, sans the trash. Something like Aquamira for water treatment, mix equal parts of something in a reusable pouch and get heat?
paul, texas KD5IVP