I'm new here and registered because I am hoping to get some advice in choosing a sleeping bag.

The price range I can afford is up to about $200.

Below-freezing temperatures are possible, but not too much colder than that, so I'm looking for something in the 0-15 F range, I think. Options slightly outside that range would be considered.

Shape doesn't matter as long as there's a little bit of foot room. The super-slim mummy bags make me claustrophobic just thinking about them.

I really want something highly compressible. I'd like to either fit it inside my pack, or be able to strap it on the outside of said pack without falling over backwards. I have an Osprey Kestrel, I think it's the 38 liter version but I can't remember for sure.

Clearly I'm not currently intending to do anything long-term or long-distance, but I am tired of having to haul my dad's or brother's heavy winter (-40 rated) bags in a spare bag, particularly when everything else I could possibly wish to bring along only half-fills my pack.

Thanks for any advice you can provide,
