Originally Posted By dcd170
I just want to thank everyone for their comments and suggestions about our new site, especially those of you who've joined WeighMyGear.com and have already begun to enter gear. For those people who have entered your own gear, we've already begun to approve your it. Our approval process will be in 2 steps: 1. We'll quickly scan the entries filtering out obvious inaccuracies (100 lb sleeping bags), profanity, etc. At this stage, your gear will be listed in yellow at the very bottom of the gear list for its category, indicating that it's an unverified user-entry. And 2.Once a member of our staff has a chance to actually verify its weight with the manufacturer's data, we'll move it into the main verified listings. Hope that makes sense. Thanks again!

I entered info on my backpack, but I don't think I saved it and so it disappeared out of my pack. Now, as you mentioned, it shows up in yellow at the bottom of the list, but when I select it it won't load into my pack.