I beileve that for any brand of tent, a 2-man tent weighs less than two single-man tents. That is a weight savings. If you tent with someone, you simply stay together. I really do not see why that is so difficult. My husband is a heat-machine; I honestly take one less layer of clothing when with him! He adds at least 10 degrees to the inside temperature in the tent. We eat out of one pot. First aid is another area that you can save weight. Since you are hiking together because of tent and cook issues, you do not need two complete first aid kits. My husband takes a GPS, I take 7.5-minute maps so we are covered for malfunction and loss and although I would never take a GPS, it has been handy a few times when trying to find a trail in snow. And on longer trips, we consolidate repair gear, fishing gear (we take turns). When my daughter and I did an 18-day trip, we took one pair of wading shoes and threw them across the stream to each other. I would never take binoculars, but my husgand does, and I do enjoy using them. He would never take a camera, I do- so he gets to enjoy the photos after the trip. He really enjoys fishing; I like to eat fish. If it were not for his patience at fishing, I would eat less fish because if I do not catch fish in 15 minutes I quit.

One of the biggest advantages has nothing to do with weight- two heads are better than one. We have saved each other from stupid mistakes many times. The biggest comfort I get from my husband is at stream crossings. Just knowing he is there to drag me out if I fall in helps. If I were to go out with a friend, very little would be different. We would simply agree to stick together. I think the stay together thing is a lot easier for me because of being a climber- you used to being roped to each other and totally dependant on each other. Being a part of a climbing "team" is just second nature to me.

The interesting thing with us, is that 10+ years ago, my husband being a lot stronger and bigger than I, carried most of the heavy climbing gear. He is older, so over the years as he approached his mid-60's, more weight has shifted to by my pack. I feel I owe him this after all those years he carried the heavier load. As we both age we may shift the weight to a pack horse or goat! I am not saying that everything is perfect with us- we both frustrate each other at times and have arguements. I do not have the freedom to "hike my own hike". But I do feel less anxiety when I am with him and we mostly enjoy each other's company. I also enjoy going out with friends and even strangers! I really think having someone to share with improves the trip.