I have not read the list and probably would not agree with it anyway,
I was a hippy backpacker 40 years ago and this is how I spent 4 months hitch hiking and backpacking around California and I covered about 450 miles of hiking in the Sierras and Ventanna Wilderness.

Pack frame purchased cheaply - buy used.
Pack sewed out of nylon cloth - its just a sack after all.
Sleeping bag - flannel boy scout rectangular
mosquito net - old sheer curtain
Tent/tarp - 8x10 piece of painters plastic
ground pad - piece of 3.8" blue foam
Stove - sterno or wood fire
cooked in coffee cans
water filter - didn't need one
Knife - carried Kabob - why???
old green plastic belt canteen
piece of nylon cord, matches, flashlight (repair kit)

My baseweight was 18 pounds and my total cost (1971)
pad $6
pack frame $15
painters plastic $2
sleeping bag, mosquito net, coffee cans, etc free

I now longer carry the repair kit - what a worthless camping concevpt - like carrying a Bowie knife for protection.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.