Originally Posted By lilricky
Some good points in this thread, however, if I may point out a few things. First, you don't want to crank down on your suspension around the tree. Not only will this lead to premature wear on your suspension and hammock, you can also damage the trees' bark. I know, I know, you never killed a tree doing this. Well, because of this practice, Florida state forest rangers have seen the tree damage, and now it is illegal to hang a hammock from trees in state forests. Other states like California and Virginia are now considering similar bans. Another point, using the plastic banding material for tree straps will work, but after two months or so, you will need to replace them, due to the accumulated stress damage and UV deterioration. Much easier and cheaper to use the right material the first time.

I'm trying to figure out who was talking about plastic banding material.

Most of us use polyester or polypro straps. Mine are five years old and counting, have not hit the ground once.

Also, California is not considering anything that is not in the budget. Some state parks don't allow hammocks, but that is nothing new.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
