I wonder how they determine how much snow has fallen and how much during a certain time frame? An inch at a time? I know some snow storms the weatherperson says we received "X" amount of snow today and when I look outside, it only looks like a few inches to me, not the 6-8" that was mentioned being received. Depend on the location they use for measuring, like the airport? A cold surface so snowfall does not melt before it can be measured? In High School, in the middle of Nevada, we had a Government weather station of sorts on our farm and everyday before school I took the readings for my mom and she melted any snow to detemine precipitation.

I have been thinking about this for a long time, then was moved by a long distance phone call from a neighbor. I work out of town and was off snow camping this last weekend, so did not make it home, so I missed the 3' more of snow we received on top of the 22" from the weekend before where I live.