My lengthy nighttime hikes have all been...uh...unplanned. I suppose the longest, timewise, was four or five hours after sunset. Hiking speed plunges because routefinding and not tripping over rocks and roots become paramount. I suppose with a nice, distinct trail you'd be able to maintain a daytime speed but I've not been that lucky.

A good headlamp or flashlight is key and a GPS and having the moon out are big helps.

No reason not to do the trip if you're confident about the area and route.


Originally Posted By ETSU Pride
What is the longest you guys/gals have hiked in the dark? My spring break is in March and one of the trip options will take me to the highest peak in the Smoky Mountain, however, the nearest shelter is 4 miles away. I would love to see sunset in the Smokies at its highest peak, but 4 miles of hiking in the dark is something I've never done. lol. The nearest tent site is probably another mile or so further than the shelter. It's a three wall shelter. If I don't do this trip then I'm take the trip that was in December issue of Backpacker (I think it was December) where you go to Big Creek and there a hidden waterfall nearby then proceed to Mt. Sterling the next day.