Originally Posted By PerryMK

One Man's Wilderness by Sam Keith from the journals of Richard Proenneke
Summary: journal of a man who built in and lived in a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness for 30 years. Surprisingly readable and engrossing, at least to me.

Thanks for the suggestions. They all sound very interesting. I like reads like these. I am especially interested in the one about the $5000 homestead and Twelve by Twelve. I hope to do so some day when I have the cash.

I think I have seen a documentary about that guy on PBS or NJN (PBS for New Jersey). I am pretty sure that was his name. He built the cabin and had some supplies flown in to him through push plane. He built shovels and doors with hinges and all kinds of things, following his projects loosely. Basically surviving in the Alaskan wilderness self reliant.

The program followed his life through different seasons, not sure the time span though, but I am sure he was there for a long time cause this place was nice and would be impossible to do in a year. He knew what he was doing that is for sure. Was so interesting and intriguing. The whole time I kept thinking Wow! I want to do this!

When you read the book let me know what you think of it Perry!

I just did a quick google search and Thoreau wrote a similar book, Maine Woods. Never heard of Walden Pond the book but I have heard of Walden Pond the place. I think there are a few in Maine actually. Cause there is one not to far from me in Washington County, then theres one in Hancock, and a further search showed one in Oxford County. Popular pond it is! Do you recall which one he is referring to in the title?

The copyright for Into the Maine Woods is 1994.
"To me, hammocking is relaxing, laying, swaying. A steady slow morphine drip without the risk of renal failure." - Dale Gribbel