Originally Posted By Becky
Yes, wow, thanks for all of the replies, it's been very helpful for me and has cleared up some of my misconceptions. No, I'm not going to Denali, I just really need a tent that can handle harsh environments with high winds. Thanks again all, especially Franco, TomD for taking the time to help. I feel better knowing where to direct my attentions.

If you need a tent able to handle high winds (but you are not actually going up denali) there are lots of good options, and even some of those can be considered fairly lightweight.

I have had very good luck in such situaitons with a tarptent Scarp2 with the cross poles (have slept in one I ordered for a friend) A black diamond one shot (I own one, no longer made) or a black diamond firstlight. All of those are decently lightweight but rigged properly will hold up well to high wind and snow. there are also lots of other choices.

If your "needing high winds and winter" is also not your typical choice of backpacking location, and you only go there sometimes, then consider very carefully the thought of getting a three season shelter, which may not be able to take a pounding of sitting on an exposed mountain ridge in a snow dump, but *will* be a lot more comfortable to sleep in (better ventialtion) and a lot lighter (easier to carry) for your three season type backpacking needs. Rent, borrow, or buy used your winter "bombshelter" for the occasional time you might end up needing it. Four season mountaineering style tents are a waste of money and weight when you are not doing that sort of activity (which most of us don't, most of the time - personally I'd rather not carry such a shelter the 90% of the time I won't be needing it - more comfortable to take something more appropriate)

Edited by phat (01/04/11 12:44 AM)
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