The term "4 season" is used to describe a shelter that can handle from summer to winter weather in "average" conditions.
105f is not average and neither is 3 ' of snow. For those condition you need a well ventilated summer tent for the former and an expedition tent for the latter.
Going from a four season to an expedition type it means more poles . Typically 3 or more intersecting poles.
Tunnel tents can take a considerable amount of snow and wind but need a larger flat area to be set up than geodesic or more commonly semi geodesic designs.
As discussed in another forum neither the Akto nor the TT Scarp are expedition tents and as much as I have seen pics of a Warmlite up there you would need to really know what you are doing to use that. By that I mean to have lots of experience setting it up in difficult situations.
A simple 2 pole design like with the Bibler I/Eldorado/Awanee can do , a 3 pole with a built in vestibule like the Soulo (if you fit in) or the Allak would be easier .
However as suggested a solo tent for a beginner or anyone apart from some full time climbers, is not the way to go up there.
